Encyclopedia Square - Terminus City
Encyclopedia Square is a fictional town square based on inspiration from The Foundation series (Isaac Asimov).
Square located nearby transportation center and observation terrace. The climate control area aimed to create a healthy environment for the surface, while all other organic landscapes located under the square. City squares are very energetic and integrated systems, so I love fictional squares as much as ı love real ones.
In the story city resources very low, so I wanted to avoid drowned skyscrapers' kind of sci-fi image. Because of the low metal resources, city structures mostly covered with stone. On the other hand, fictionally, Terminus city populated with first encyclopedists & continued to develop.

For terrain, temperature and inspiration source was NASA's Curiosity Rover landing site. In this way, I choose my terrain materials with knowledge of thermal impact.
So from climate control to wasteland, City's terrain and thermal map changes.
So from climate control to wasteland, City's terrain and thermal map changes.

The monument on the center symbolizes the unity of the encyclopedist, who flies to the galaxy edge to build a galactic encyclopedia.